FARM went through a significant change in 2021. The HR department has grown, gained centrality, and started to analyze all the brand's actions transversally, receiving the addition of 'Diversity and Inclusion' not just in the name but assuming that these pillars would be at the center of FARM's strategic decisions. In July 2021, we approved an Action Plan to Accelerate Diversity and Inclusion within the company, based on 5 major public commitments. Short-, medium-, and long-term objectives were set for each of these goals.

FARM has made much progress towards becoming a more diverse team since 2019 after creating racial and LGBTQIA+ equality and diversity committees. However, in 2021, we have taken a leap to ensure a work environment where individuals can inherently express themselves.

Diversity and inclusion are daily practices here at FARM Rio. We take the issue seriously and are dedicated to ensuring that everything we do contributes to increasing and celebrating diversity in our team. In 2021, the SOMA Group created the Sustainability Policy, which addresses the topic Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. It is based on the pillars of more beautiful, ethical, cleaner, and fairer fashion.
↘ We won the 'Women on Board Seal' for having two women board members - Maria Laura Tarnow and Rachel Maia.
↘ We have signed the 'UN's Equity is a Priority' commitment, through which we have pledged to have 50% of women employees in top leadership positions by 2030.
↘ We introduced the topic of diversity, fairness, and inclusion in our Supply Chain through training.
↘ In 2021, we updated the Code of Ethics and Conduct of the SOMA Group and reinforced the dissemination of our Reporting Channel.